Endpoint allows to update employment details for an employee (position, department, location, payrate)
When an employment is updated, all historical (past) shifts associated with that employment will remain, but will no longer be editable. Furthermore, depending on the update being made, different responses will be given to determine how this update will impact future shifts for that employee. These responses will be of type {conflict : int}. Conflict can be 1,6,8 or 14.
1 - Appears when the employment location (and possibly department, position, and pay rate) are updated. In this case all future shifts have to be deleted. In order to avoid receiving this response, please add two additional fields in the request body: {override:1, action:1}.
Note that future shifts for that employment will be deleted.
6 - Appears when department OR/AND Position ONLY are changed. In this case all future shifts can either be updated to the new details or deleted. In order to avoid receiving this response, you need to set two more fields in request body: {override:6, action:0} If you want to update shifts, or body:{override:6, action:1} for deleting shifts.
8 - Appears when Payrate only is changed. In this case all future shifts will be updated. In order to avoid receiving this response, you need to set two more fields in request body: {override:8, action:0}.
14 - Appears when Department OR/AND Position AND Payrate are being changed. In this case all future shifts can either be updated to the new details or deleted. In order to avoid receiving this response, you need to set two more fields in request body: {override:14, action:0} If you want to update shifts, or body:{override:14, action:1} for deleting shifts.
After this, you should receive response code 200 with empty body.
Required permissions: "EmployeesAddEdit"